Thursday, August 27, 2009

I've underestimated the intelligence of a 1 year old!

It just creeped up on me I suppose... all of a sudden Norah is responding to us like a little girl instead of like the tiny baby I once knew. I say "let's take off your shoes" and she lifts up her feet for me one at a time. She happily shells out hugs and kisses at our request. I ask "where is your belly?" and she lifts up her shirt so I can tickle her! I hear her say new words one right after another: "hi kitty", "doggie", "duckie", "book" and "ball". She already has two favorite songs; "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "A Little Love" by Meghan Smith ;o) She askes us to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider by wiggling her little fingers together (the crawling spider) about 4,000 times a day, and at daycare they put that song on repeat just for her. If she is fussing in the car, I will play her fav Meghan Smith song, and all is well with the world again. Where did my baby go? This little girl snuck up on me... but she sure is cute!

Doesn't she look so grown-up in this picure?!

Love ~ Renee

1 comment:

  1. Renee, When you write about Norah, it reminds me of Joyce Kilmer's poem, Trees, or Robert Frost's poem, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening. Your words are so descriptively pure and reflective of your love for your little girl. I love that you are capturing the moments during a time of phenomenal growth and development.

    I hope you have a film of her singing. When I think of how much you too loved music and listening to certain songs when you were little, it touches my heart. The picture of you and Norah is perfect in its beauty and simplicity, and yes she is growing up fast.

    XOXO to my little olive.
