Sunday, March 6, 2011

Storytime with Daddy

Is the most favorite time of day. After everyone gets their sillies out with high-speed chases through the bedrooms accompanied by squealing laughter, or by a pillow fight initiated with Norah yelling "Hit me with a plillow!!", or with endless tickles on Mom and Dad's giant bed; Daddy reads each book that his baby girl has carefully chosen that night. Complete with cuddles, kisses and in-character voices. Clarky is also intrigued by these stories if he doesn't happen to be having his bedtime snack. 

Oh and the night would not be complete without our bedtime songs! If it's daddy's turn to read, that means it's mommy's turn to sing. Our Repertoire consists of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "I'm a Little Acorn", "ABC's", "Silent Night", "Rock-a-Bye Baby" and a hummed Brahms lullaby (because who knows the words to that?? :), all sung in that very specific order.

After all the stories are read and songs are sung, I kiss my sweet little Norah goodnight and after she has stuck every limb outside the covers so that she can ask me to tuck it back in, she asks "Should I close my eyes?". I say "Yes please, close your eyes and relax... I will check on you in a bit. I love you."  and then I hear "I love you mommy, sweet dreams"... and my heart is melted. 

As you will see, Daddy is sometimes the first one to fall asleep!








Love ~ Renee