Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Norah Scarlett!

I hope you had a wonderful day... Wearing your birthday dress with your party shoes and sharing cupcakes with the kids at daycare! I hear everyone sang Happy Birthday to you and made you a crown! It really is the cutest crown I have ever seen.

I had the most fun with you and Daddy eating ice cream this afternoon at the Grand Ole Creamery and taking thousands of pictures (I could have taken more!). Your love of ice cream is too cute, and so are your shoes ;o)

And tonight, when it was time to open the presents from Mommy & Daddy, you knew exactly how to tear the paper right off! The excitement on your face when you opened your laughing, jiggly Elmo/Cookie Monster head and your "Busy Zoo" was priceless.

Love you always and forever ~ Mommy


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How beautifully you write Renee. I can just see Norah at day care and
    the pure joy on her face opening presents and eating ice cream with
    mommy and daddy. I cannot wait to see her presents and that birthday
    crown, and for her to tell me about the ice cream. Was any little girl
    ever more loved? I think not.
