I had thought Norah would have been a liiiitle bit older when she had her first kiss, but boy was I wrong! On Wednesday when we picked her up from her beloved daycare, the teacher informed us that there is a new boy in her room. Apparently he has quite the crush on Miss Norah because he walked right up to her and gave her a kiss! Then the teacher went on to tell us that Norah sat and watched him as he walked away. How sweet is that?! I just hope this doesn't happen again until she is 28.
Norah also had her 1st Birthday Party this past weekend!! We rented out a pavilion at Wolfe Park, decorated it to the hilt, and had a blast! Almost all of our family and friends were there and it was so much fun to celebrate her birthday with everyone. The only tiny glitch was the birthday girl's cake. She absolutely LOVED her 4-tier pink ruffle cake that mommy made her, so much so that she only wanted to gently touch the cake and admire it from afar. When I took her hand and demonstrated what a girl ought to do with her cake on her 1st birthday, she cried in protest! Mommy had ruined her beautiful cake!!!
So... I thought a taste of this delicious cake might cheer her up. I popped a little piece in her mouth and next thing I know she has broken out in hives! She quickly had purple splotches of hives spreading all over her poor little face. They spread to her ears, neck, chest & back in just minutes and it was all I could do not to panic! Luckily my Aunt is a nurse and she kept a close eye on her while Daddy ran to the store to get some baby Benadryl. Norah ended up being fine after we gave her a dose of that miracle drug (that stuff works FAST!) and we proceeded to open gifts, albeit a little sleepily.
Thank you to everyone who celebrated Norah's day with us. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family.
Here are the Before and After photos courtesy of cousin Jim...
After Mommy destroyed her cake

Love ~ Renee
It was a beautiful cake and a great party. I would cry too if all those people were staring at me. And, who would not want to kiss that beautiful face?