Not only did Norah lose her very first tooth this morning before school (the exact tooth that emerged before all the others this same month 5 years ago - weird!), but she had her first after school playdate. Of course we've been on a billion playdates over the years, but this was a go-to-a-house-I've-never-been-to-before-because-I've-only-known-her-mom-for-11-minutes-and-ride-home-in-their-car kind of playdate. She had the time of her life and is already planning the next. When do you not call these "playdates" anymore?
As for her tooth, that came out no big deal. She was super happy about losing it and is now contemplating about how small the tooth fairy is (think Tinkerbell) and how DOES she fly around when it is -35 degrees outside at night and still be OK!? Magic.
While she was out galavanting with her BFF, Clark got a whole day of Momma to himself. We played superheros ALL day and he even let me be his sidekick Robin most of the time. We caught SO many bad guys. Watch out - I learned some bad @$$ moves today!
After a big day like this Colin and I are sitting here deciding to send her off to day camp with her friends this summer. Nobody told me that kids grew up like this. It's like they are their sweet little selves for so long until some "thing" happens and then they've instantly grown up to the next phase in life. No warning. I guess bandaids are better when you just RIP them off!
Oh, and while I'm at it - I snuck in a couple of random photos of stuff we've been doing while I've not been posting :)
Love ~ Renee
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