Nope. That life's not for me! I am never giving up my "I love you momma"'s. I won't ever stop hearing Clark's little toddler accent and the way he expresses himself like he's a grown-up in a tiny chubby body. I will always have the chance to stare at Norah when she is washing between each and every toe in the bath and be amazed at the concentration on her face. I will always get to witness Norah being such a sweet sister and sticking up for her brother. And I will always get to hear her teacher tell us she is the one who makes sure everyone is following the rules and no one around her is ever sad or upset.
These are the moments that make me tick.
One time Norah got a sliver on the stairs of the deck. Weeks ago. Now we hear "Wremembuh Momma... Nowah got a slivuh gowing down dose staiwrs." every.single.time. we see any deck or outdoor furniture made of wood.
In the morning I cannot wait to see what outfit Norah picks out. Like a pink striped sequined tank dress paired with a long sleeve rainbow heart striped undershirt and thigh high rainbow striped socks, glitter leg warmers and shorts underneath (to prevent hello kitty underwear flashings out on the playground). She proudly stops in the bathroom door posing for me as I dry my hair and I tell her how she is the cutest girl I've ever seen.
I decided to try out a new game to get Clark to let me brush his teeth. I said "Let me see if I can find any monkeys in your mouth - open up wide so I can see!" Clark thinks about it, and as he tilts his head and holds my chin in place so I am looking his direction says "Momma, now just be niiiiiiice to dem!" I think he continued with this exact response night after night just because he likes to get a laugh out of me.
Clark has taken to singing a new song that Grandma and Bumpa taught him... The Nickel Song.
He sings it all day long. With drums. Inside and outside.
I think he is getting serious about this drumming...
And of course my little ballerina. So grown up with her hair in a bun and sticker earrings :)
You can tell when she is concentrating or nervous by how far her tongue is sticking out :)
And here's another one of those crazy weirdo faces she makes for pictures now... I love it!
Here's to Wremembuhing all the cuteness!
Love ~ Renee
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