Our sweetest newest addition made his entrance into the world a little early! Clark Michael was born on November 16th, 2010 at 12:49 AM (four days early) weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz and measuring 22 inches long.
I was praying that this birth would be nothing like Norah's, which consisted of 32 hours of back labor, 5 hours of pushing and a vacuum assist leaving her momma unable to walk well for weeks due to a separated pelvic bone. Oh, and Norah was 14 days overdue! Well my prayers were most definitely answered...
I went into labor on Monday evening as we were picking up Norah from daycare and the contractions started right up at 6 min apart. This time felt nothing like last time since Clark was in a better position and I wasn't having back labor at all. These lasted until about 10:45 that night when they got closer to 5 min apart and I started to feel some extreme pressure. So extreme that it actually scared me, so I called the midwife and she said that normally they would not have me come in just yet, but since I was feeling some pressure I might as well get checked. So we called Grandma to come over and stay with Norah while we went off to the hospital.
We arrived just after midnight. Colin dropped me off at the ER and I was wheeled upstairs. The midwife checked me as soon as I got to the room and told me I was at 9.5 centimeters and would be ready to push soon. I could not believe my ears. First I screamed "WHAT!?" and asked her if she was sure. She laughed and said that we were lucky we didn't have this baby in the car. I was so relieved and happy I burst into laughter and tears all at once. Then she asked where my husband was. I told her he was parking the car, and the nurse decided that was a good time to tell me the story of how her husband missed the birth of their child because he was parking the car! Well, I was lucky that night... Colin walked in just as I began to push and 20 minutes later our son was born. We had a hunch this one really was a boy (we had a hunch Norah was going to be a boy too :) and when we discovered we were right on the money, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. To have one of each. For Norah to have a little brother to love and teach how to be naughty. To have the most proud daddy in the world. There is nothing better.
Well, maybe there is one thing that can top all that. The look in Norah's eyes when she met her little brother for the first time. I have never seen her light up in just that way before. She was so proud and so happy and so filled with love for this little guy that she had never even met before. I could see her melting when she laid eyes on him. She still can't smother him with enough kisses and hugs and wants to help do everything for him. It is the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
I love my little family to pieces.
Love ~ Renee
Clark, you have the best big sister. She loves you very much.
ReplyDeleteNorah, you are the best big sister a little guy like Clark could ever have.
Renee and Colin, we are so proud of you and how you have developed into such wonderful parents. We love your little family and we love you very much. Grandma and Grandpa Kraemer