So our darling little baby is moving to the toddler room this month! How in the world did that happen so fast? We have been working towards this for months now really, but sometimes you don't notice that your goal is becoming reality until the very last second, and then it takes you by surprise.
I was convinced that we would never be able to accomplish the transition from baby to toddler and that she would be the only 5 year old still in the infant room. I guess I was wrong. The first big ticket item was weaning her from breast milk in a bottle to cow’s milk in a sippy. I just knew that she would never drink anything from a sippy, let alone cow’s milk. Oops! Wrong again! Although it was a very slow process, she now downs almost a full sippy of milk with each meal. Next we had to convert her diet to all table foods. She had started to refuse baby food anyway, so I had no doubts that this one would be easy... other than the giant doubt of whether she is getting enough nutrients now! My initiation into the picky eating toddler club has been completed. We have just successfully condensed two naps into one, and are now working on drinking from an open cup! Laundry anyone?
I am not sure who this will be harder on, me or Norah! Her teacher informed me that they are going to start visiting the toddler room with her early because they think she will have an especially hard time. Apparently she is very possessive of her teachers and always wants to be the center of attention (e.g. if someone else is getting the teacher's attention Norah will literally push them out of the way and take their place! I've seen it first hand.) If anyone knows how I raised her to be this way please tell me! Is this just a product of being an only child? Is it time for a baby brother or sister? Oh wait... I just Googled this and it is completely normal. I guess she just really loves her teachers. Whew! (what would I do without Google?) I really love her teachers too and will miss them deeply. I hope the toddler room teachers are just as great ;o)
Miss Itsy Bitsy Spider looooved handing out candy on Halloween!
Love ~ Renee
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