We took a trip to the apple orchard with the grandparents the weekend before last. Norah had such a great time picking her very own apples. She even grew quite attached to a couple of the smaller, bright red and perfectly round apples.
After we got our fill of apples Norah discovered her love of apple cider and kettle corn. This girl could not get enough of either, and was a little upset when we finally took the popcorn away :(. When we finished our treats we headed over to the petting zoo, which she was oh so excited about... until the animals started sniffing her hand, then we had to enjoy it a few steps back! Maybe next year she will work up her courage to feed them.
Before we left we all enjoyed some apple pie a la mode, and Norah made some new friends. She spotted a couple of little girls dancing a few yards away, so she walked right over and joined in! It was one of the cutest things I've seen her do, until she started to lift up one of the girls shirts to see her belly button! I had to quickly intervene, apologize to the little girl and explain that we only do that to our own shirts ;o)
As soon as we got there she found kids to play with!

What's this mom? Apples don't have leaves at the grocery store!
Her very favorite perfectly round bright red apple
(she didn't want to put this one in the bag).
(she didn't want to put this one in the bag).

"Let me down! Don't you know I walk everywhere now!" lately.

Love ~ Renee
Barrels of Fun is such a cute title for a day at the apple orchard. This little girl could not have been cuter in her apple red print top and embroidered blue jeans. So much to do and see with lots of kids, animals, and treats. Miss Scarlett's mommy and daddy packed a delicious lunch for her and she even got to taste some kettle corn from Auntie Teegan and apple pie with ice cream from mommy and daddy. I will never forget watching my little olive pick apples on that beautiful day, and trying to lift up some little girl's shirt to see her tummy. Of course now that Miss Norah is walking, whether or not I get to hold her all depends on little miss independent.