Every day seems like a whirlwind and when it is over there's barely enough time to prepare for the next. Sometimes I glance out the window and see people leisurely strolling by sans children. Carrying their hot cups of coffee that they don't think twice about because they aren't having to rope any little ones back in from running too close to the street or pick anyone up from a tumble to kiss boo boos or carry anyone because they are "too tiiiiiiired". I take a portion of a minute to imagine I'm that person, but I find myself instantly sad and missing those tiny people that can drive a girl up the wall at times. They make our lives so much more lively and fun and just plain gushing with love. Even when I am at the end of my rope and just wanting a moment of peace - it's there - the cuteness, the fun, the love. It's just that sometimes I don't realize it until I get my moment of peace.
This past weekend reminded me of how I wanted to write about our family. I want to have this to look back on when I am in a big empty house one day wondering where the time went. Wondering what we spent our days on all those years when the kids were growing up. I suppose they might like to read it one day too, and this weekend was one of those that I'd like to hang on to...
We kicked it off with Nona & Grandpa coming over to babysit. Colin and I headed off to one of his work events, which actually turned out to be fun for us because we ditched that party and made our own. We really did need a date night and impromptu dates are the best kind!
On Saturday morning a dear friend and her daughter came over for a breakfast play date that spilled over into lunch. We could've spent the entire day with them if it wasn't for naps! Her daughter and Clark are like two peas in a pod. They're almost the exact same age and the cutest pair. Their 2 year old brains think alike and they make each other giggle like no one else can. After they left, Clark fell right asleep and I jetted Norah off to Ballet class. We can never ever ever miss ballet class.
Ballet class amazes me. It amazes me because in all her four years here on Earth I have never witnessed her concentrate on any one thing so incredibly hard. She watches everyone's every move in class and tries to imitate them to perfection. Once in a while she will break her trance to give me a little look like "I did it Mom, did you see?". Best of all is I can see how much fun she is having the entire time. It is clearly written all over her face!
I may not have had my fancy camera with me, but I always have my iPhone... look out I just figured out how Instagram works!
Love ~ Renee