Friday, April 27, 2012

Nothing Says Summer Like a Front Yard Picnic!

Leaving school on a Tuesday night, Norah complains of how she needs to go out for dinner...

Norah: "Mom, Annika is going out to dinner tonight, can we go out to dinner too?"
Me: "No, we are going to go home to eat dinner."
Norah: "But MOM.... Annika gets to go out to dinner!!!! Can WE go out to dinner too?"
Me: "No honey, just because Annika gets to go out to dinner doesn't mean we get to."

She argues back with a convincing: "But I reeeeeeeeally waaaaaaaant toooo!!!"

Me: "Norah, How 'bout this.... How 'bout we have a picnic in the front yard tonight?!"
Norah: "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a picnic Momma!!!"

So a picnic it was!

Love ~ Renee

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

He is All Boy

First of all, check out this brand new shirt after the first day Clark wore it:


Second of all, daddy got a brand new pressure washer the other day and Clark was just as excited about it as he was. This is a classic picture of the female in the house being annoyed at how excited the men are about power tools:


Clark helped dad put it together, and then later was mad when daddy wouldn't let him try it when he had it going...




Lastly, just like all men leave their stuff laying around the house in the most odd places:


Love ~ Renee

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Very Happy Easter

This year Easter was awesome... it was the first time that Norah "got" the Easter Bunny. I could feel her excitement when she woke up and came running in with a chocolate egg she found outside her door. One of the eggs in the long trail of candy that the Easter Bunny left from her and her brother's doors all the way downstairs to their baskets hiding by the pantry.

Norah: "Mom!!! Look what I found!! The Easter Bunny CAME!" 
Mom: "No WAY! Are you sure?"
Norah: "YES" (nodding her head and raising her eye brows up and down) 

She impatiently waited for her brother to wake up and then we all followed the trail down to their baskets. Norah's eyes were huge as she said "Woah!" when she found the goodies. 

They ate giant chocolate bunnies, gummi bears and chocolate covered marshmallows for breakfast (that was all the candy they got). They had one healthy snack before an early nap, then at Aunt Kathy's they had cookies and strawberries, which somehow replaced their lunch. 

They had candy all day. Then they crashed. They crashed big time. Just use your imagination :)

Oh, and last night we stayed up late dying Easter eggs. Towards the end, Norah interrupted me mid-sentence with a huge "SHHH!!!!". She went on to explain (whispering) that she saw a crack in one of the eggs, and that means that the baby chick is trying to get out, so we need to be quiet! "See that light mom?" (the chandelier over the table) "that is to keep the eggs warm so the babies will grow." As I started to ask her how she knew that, she interrupted with another "SHHHH!!!!!". 

She amazes me every day.









Love ~ Renee