Last year at this time I was 1 week overdue. I was swollen to the point that my shoes no longer fit and I had forgotten what my ankles looked like. I was still waddling a mile twice a day through downtown Mpls to carpool with my uncle so I could get my exercise, even though I had a constant side ache and I felt as though the skin on my belly would tear apart at any second from being stretched to the max. I was hot and uncomfortable to say the least, but I knew the end was near, and I also knew that when it was over I would miss it dearly. So I tried my best to enjoy every minute.
Those weeks went by so very slowly and I can remember them clearly, but the weeks and months after our little bundle of joy had arrived have gone by so fast! So fast indeed that my memory of it all is a blur. Of course I do have quite a few vivid memories, but I find myself trying so hard to remember what she was like at 1 month, 3 months, 5 months, etc... What was she doing? What sounds was she making? I remember gazing at her beautiful face trying to burn her adorable expressions, funny sounds and heart melting baby scent into my memory, but sadly it didn't quite work as I had planned.
So now here I am, joining all the cool kids and starting a blog. I have never had a desire to be a blogger, especially since it is the "in thing" to do now, but I think it may just help me record the little whiles of our life that I have tried so hard to keep locked tight in my heart.
Oh, and I must confess... I stole the title for this blog from someone whom I admire. Sheye Rosemeyer. We've never met, but I came across her story after I had started reading the blog of our photographer (who is absolutely amazing and I will talk about later!) Sheye lost her daughter in a tragic accident that could have happened to anyone. Her writings about her experience inspire me to cherish all the little things that might otherwise stress me out as a new mom. Yes, my sweet little Norah can be a challenge sometimes, and when I find myself getting frustrated or stressed, I try to think of Sheye and remember that I will miss these things when my baby girl is all grown up. (oh, and Sheye is also an amazing photographer!
Hopefully I will get the hang of this and keep it up.
Then (8 days old)
Love ~ Renee